Picture Perfect Moments

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Can't believe I did this!

I had this really bright idea yesterday. I took my 7 year old shopping. I had visions of her skipping around the stores full of enthusiasm at being given the opportunity to browse and make a wish list for Santa. We discussed the fact that we were on an adventure. We weren't going to buy anything. We were just wishing. It was going to be so great because she could see things in person before adding them to her list. This year we weren't going to be disappointed because she chose something from a paper advertisement that was less than she expected it to be. So, off we go...me with a pen and notebook and Katie with a heart full of good intentions!

For those of you who know me, you will agree that I am not a gullible or naive person. So what happened ? Where did my common sense fail me? Let me tell you...it failed me from the minute I came up with this hair brained idea that I was going to convince my child that writing the name of the toy down was just as good as buying it!!

The very first item that we came across was a Fly Pentop Computer . Katie's face immediately twisted into at least three emotions at the same time. She was estatic that she had found the hottest toy of the season , she realized it wasn't going home with her last night and she was furious with me for coming up with a new way to torture her! It was not a pretty sight, believe me.

Needless to say, we abandoned the wish list idea. We hit the pet store and ended up coming home with a new Betta. We now have a new member in our family. His name when Katie went to bed was Philip James Dean. This morning he was Jeremy. Tomorrow...who knows?

What I do know is that I will never make this mistake again! There are too many new ones to make! :}

PS I have only bought one gift so far...can you guess what it is??


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