Picture Perfect Moments

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Sunshine...At Last!

Well, thank goodness we finally had some sunshine around here today! After a solid week of nothing but gloom and doom maybe I can get motivated again. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to be productive when it is dark and icky outside. I have wanted to crawl in bed with a good book all week but I have resisted the temptation!
Can I just tell you...it was HARD not to do it!

Elizabeth is sporting our 3 inch Kennedy Bow in the picture below. She is 3.5 years old in this picture so that will give you a little bit of an idea about how the smaller bows look on our big girls :}
Please be sure and visit Elizabeth's mom on ebay! Her ebay seller id is: bargainsgalore**

Thank you Carrie for sharing your sweet little girl with us!

Picture Perfect Hair Bows